Are you ready to give up your dreams? Are you ready to quit your job? Are you ready to abandon your home and go to the wilderness? Are you ready to lose everything? Are you ready to give everything to God? Are you ready to follow your faith unconditionally? Are you ready to obey the leaders anointed by God? Are you ready to fully submit yourself to the church? Are you ready and willing to sacrifice your life for others? Are you ready to suffer and to face persecutions for His name’s sake even unto death? Are you ready and worthy to accept His promises of salvation and reward? Are you really ready to receive His judgments upon you?
Luke 21:35 – For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
Most of us may not yet be ready any time soon including myself. But we should be prepared anytime no matter what. This is salvation we are talking about. It is the very reason why we exist and have faith in the first place. We believe and serve for the sole purpose of pleasing Him as we may be worthy of His salvation.
Ecclesiastes 12:13 – Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
When will you be ready? (A series of answers)
When I receive my diploma. When I receive my master’s degree. When I find a job. When I find a better job. When I get a promotion and a hefty raise. When I have my dream car. When I finish building my dream house. When I get married. When my son reached his teens. When my children are old enough. When my grandchildren are old enough. When I have an “X” amount of money in my bank account. When I have procured dozens of real estate properties. When I have traveled around the globe. When I’m satisfied and contented with what I have. When I’m old and retired. When I’m sickly and frail.
Conclusion of the matter
There is no single event that will actually make you ready. Every step of the way has issues of its own, one after another. There are new urgencies that you will desire when opening consecutive doors after another. Today you may desperately need a doctor but the next day you may frantically need a police officer. Our needs change as well as our desires, emotions and perceptions. Universally, there is no true answer to human sanity and desires. Except of course, the righteous path of Godliness with Contentment.
Anytime you can be ready to sacrifice and to do the most difficult things in life. It all depends on your spiritual enlightenment and maturity. It may be harsh and severe but we have to decide.
You can argue, complain and rebel as much as you want but God is coming whether we like it or not. It could be soon or not but He is coming for sure. It is never up to us. It is His intention and motivation from the very beginning. It is His decision and not ours. It is and it was all up to Him.
Matthew 4:17 – From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
If He arrives later, we should be able to shout “praise the Lord”. If He arrives earlier than we expected, we should as well be able to shout “amen”. We should be ready anytime.
Nonetheless, His arrival can precisely be drawn by the children of the light through His marvelous words. How blessed are His children.
Daniel 12:12 – Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.
New Jerusalem is a spaceship. Many would deny and even find it amusing but it is a highly advance spaceship by definition and logic. It would be the most ideal spacecraft because it is a gigantic city that travels in space. If only we have the technology men will certainly build a city that would travel beyond the galaxies, no more cramp spaces, backaches and motion sickness. However, mankind’s technology are way too ancient in contrast to angels’ technology. We are probably at least millions of years behind them. Envision what God can not do. Nothing.
Revelation 3:12King James Version (KJV)
12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name
By logic, I’m confident that this city is not wobbly at all. It is one of God’s most amazing inventions. He made it for those who will succeed in their faith. The New Jerusalem would be the most comfortable vessel. Whatever we may call it, it is a spaceship at least that is what its called in our own time and technology. I suggest another name but it is way too advance to give one as of now. An enormous vessel that can haul things or anyone from one spot to another through moving operation. It surely does have gravitational control, atmospheric manipulation and some sort of advance mechanism to propel the city smoothly and really really fast. It beats the nature and all the possibilities that we know of. But a thousand years ago, who would have thought there would be airplanes, internet and cellphones. Nowadays, these great innovations are just less than ordinary in our everyday life.
Matthew 24:29King James Version (KJV)
29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
A City will Arrive in the Clouds
Don’t laugh because this idea is momentous. It may be hilarious for now, but when it arrives it will be the real deal. Everyone would panic like the movie Independence Day or the new movie Arrival. The world will be in chaos and everyone will be living in a pandemonium. I certainly don’t hope that would be the case but I can not deny what
is written in the scriptures. Because of the humongous size of this city that will hover in our atmosphere it will have catastrophic effects. Nature will react abruptly and disasters will break out. The area of this city will be more or less 17 times bigger than The Philippines which has about 115,000 square miles. Its mass will certainly be billowing since it is a gigantic cube almost as big as Australia.
It was our Lord’s words that there are many mansions in His Father’s house. Indeed, I don’t doubt Him at all. He prepared a place that offers not even a speck of impossibility.
Warning: This message is intended only for those who are sincerely thirsty for the truth and still open minded when it comes to their theology. If you are close minded and inflexible with your current perceptions, do not read this. This article may be offensive and judgmental to you.
Our conviction on who’s the true God – is the simplest and the most truthful doctrine out there. Compare it by reason and logic. Skip the scriptures just for now. I know, the Words of God are righteous and true but they are literally wide open for “anybody’s interpretation”. Because of that it will just create ample confusions. I want everyone to reflect on their own unbiased intelligence and discerning as much as possible.
Here are the details
From the beginning, God planned and willed to become a human being. It was the most complex and strenuous plan. He needed to create the sun, bacteria, oxygen and the list was endless. Bound to every creation He also created all universal principles, cycles, systems to keep everything feasible and in check. A human being needed all of these to survive. Without the laws of nature for instance, life on earth will not exist. To become human was the first and foremost reason why God needed to literally create every single thing. He didn’t create a thing for no reason (Colossians 1:16).
When He became a man he was 100% human, not different from us. He was a mere man but He was a highly intelligent human being (Luke 2:46,47 & 52).
Like us, He was born. He ate, studied, have grown and lastly, he died. Although His life was very brief. We could safely say that it was bitter and miserable compared to the most of us (Isaiah 53:3). He was a man of sorrows. He was “alive too” not as God but being a man. His pains and sufferings were real. His awareness and reception to emotions and feelings are all the same with what we encounter everyday. Like you and I, He went thru weaknesses, agonies and was hungered. He felt and experience exactly the same miseries like all of us (Hebrews 4:15) but only to a greater degree and extent. More distinctly, our Lord Jesus Christ suffered more than an enduring man could bear. He endured every hardship because of His sincerest love and understanding. I think we can do that too as a human being. But it is truly challenging to love others as you love your own self. How much more to truly love others more than your own? Jesus Christ loved us that way. He loved us with the most unselfish love. His devotion and compassion for others was the greatest. His great love has been inseparable and incomparable above all since the beginning (Romans 8:39).
Everyone would think even angels that God can not be a man that He can not suffer nor die. No one have thought and expected it. For us, being susceptible was an estranged idea to God. But to Him it was a perfect plan that He alone knew and purposed in Himself (Ephesians 1:9). It was His greatest secret to become vulnerable and the only way to manifest His greatest glory.
The Almighty God needed to be a man to save mankind. As a man, He felt all things that were unnatural to Him as God. Being God, He was the creator and not the creature. The awareness of a creator versus someone who was created is completely distinct from each other. As God, He lived pleasurably and all mightily but as a human being He became fragile and fainting. Visualize yourself as an authoritarian sultan of a great nation. One day, you decided to abdicate your crown to become a despicable slave. How disheartening is that? Who would do that anyways? But what God did was way beyond anything compared to the most closest analogy we could think of. He executed an unparalleled form of stepping down.
Without returning back to heaven, God’s throne will be empty. That was why His plan was flawless from the start to end. And only Him knew the details right until now. It has been the most impossible plan all throughout time.
One mistake, one miscalculation or just one flaw in God’s plan may vanish Him forever and the rest of mankind. Remember, when He was with us He was not as god but as a man. To be the president of a nation is extremely laborious and ambitious. How much more for a man to become a God? But upon His resurrection and ascension to heaven He was able to take back His form as the only one true God. How remarkable was that!
God as a creator was glorious already. God being powerful was glorious too. However, the greatest glory of God was exhibited when He performed the most impossible thing in the universe.
Nobody could have ever done it but only by Him. He has beaten everyone’s understanding and knowledge. He justified and proved His brilliance was way beyond anyone’s.
The Most Impossible Thing that every rational living thing in the universe would think was that God cannot become a real human being.
And yet, He did become one. It has been God’s greatest and highest glory since about two thousand years ago. The greatest glory of God was to perform the most impossible thing which required the greatest effort and sacrifice – becoming 100% man.
You got questions? Who doesn’t?
We understand that everyone may have numerous questions. Since no principle in this world was established without questions and proofs. Although my article requires more deep rational thoughts and more diverse intense prayers than questions. Even deceits can show evidences and sound reasonings but it does not mean it is the truth. The truth of a person may sound limited and consistent base on his aptitude. However, the truth in himself should be enough for one’s self. We want you to tap that truth. We want you to know to be sure of the truth that you posses after honestly considering this concept. Everyone should be assured of whatever they believe in.
Do not worry about other peoples’ or the general public’s view. Your truth should be completely independent from others. Wealth and numbers mean nothing to God. Any research or external factor has no bearing at all. You better ask yourself and be absolutely certain of your truth. Knowing the truth is the key to an assured salvation. Your present and next life completely depends on it.
Hopefully, there is a quantifiable chance that you may accept our belief as the best truth for you. Because it has been the best for us without a doubt.
What we are up to? We Have nothing to gain
We are against centuries old ideologies, collective principles of colossal religions around the globe. We are crumbs and non-existent compared to those big shots. Criticisms, judgments and enemies are bound to show up. The world may be against us but we have nothing to gain. We have no hidden motives nor agenda. We are simply obliged to share the truth in us. Who will tell the world of the truth that was committed upon us? If not us, no one will.
Hence, we are boldly sharing our faith with clear conscience and with the purest intentions but it is at most frightening.
God’s truth is definite and exact. His truth is not flexible and does not vary at anytime. The truth about God, of God and in God will always remain as the truth forever. No amount of time and vast amount of information could change it. From the beginning, it was there. To the end, it is still the same. His truth is not ever changing but detailed and accurate. There is only one truth that concerns our God. There is only one godliness of God. His deity was intricately destined upon and along the truth. No greatest power could ever change and manipulate it. There is only one truth of God.
We know, everyone will say that they are of the truth. Every belief, denomination and institution proclaims that they are the truth. Even to those erroneous beliefs that are unethical and proven guilty to the rule of law would try to deny its deceitfulness. A sham or a fraudulent establishment will never declare that they are not of the truth, But they do exist in many ways and forms as they deceive others. It is an endless and convoluted line to traverse and track along. However, many would say they are of the truth but there is only One Truth. No atheist nor physicist can modify the truth. It is well written and established by God. An innovation or modification of it is simply a fraud.
Find the Truth for it can be found.
Men are resourceful and inventive. Men can create explanations about anything even about God. Leading to different routes and paths but no matter how much we justify each disclosure, the truth remains to be the truth. It remains to be unchanged. It will be set till the end. God cannot be many if He is indeed only one. We have to seek that one truth that is possible to be known in the last generations of the world. For the longest time, the greatest truth was hidden but now was manifested. It can be unearthed with God’s grace and mercy but never with pride and greed.
Colossians 1:26 – Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:
I Corinthians 2:7 – But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
Peter 1:5 – Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
As we consider ourselves to be believers and faithful servants of God we always have to look further and beyond our realm. The norm and standard will not always apply to us. We have our own path. Coherently, it may be over and above man’s understanding, not always but frequently it is. Our lives will not always be in the pages of books that we read. We have our own unlikely dilemmas and pickles to face but we have the most certain exceptional results. Open your eyes, observe and hopefully, we’ll see further and beyond.
This only applies to whomever obeys God.
Obeying God is the ultimate sacrifice we could offer. He asks us of nothing less. Your life is secure if you are confident that you are submitting yourself to God’s will. When in doubt, it only means one thing. We are probably in the opposing side, a displeasure in his sight. The labors and pains might be unbearable but the results are unprecedentedly phenomenal and impressive. This is how God works in his obedient servants. His design is flawless. His plans are wonderful and difficult to believe. It is quite a breathtaking feat and almost impossible to be meet until it all materialize.
Keep on sailing, let the wind blow you away to your destination!
God’s designs are not anyone’s design
Trust is the key in the world of faith in God. We have to hope and trust Him. No matter how challenging it is. Obedience should always remain in us. At the end of the day, it is how we always get justified. Because disobedience is the way straight down to dishonor, failure and displeasing God.
Romans 4: 20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.
22 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.
But how can we obey if we don’t fully understand? That is what we call obedience through faith. You just see the author and the finisher, His track record and His promises. You have proven who gives the command and you are a fool not to follow Him. You knew Him well that you should trust Him with your life. God had already showed us many times and demonstrated His worth, more than anything and anyone. He is so reliable that He should’nt be given the benefit of the doubt. But should be given will all the benefit of NO doubt. He deserves an unwavering faith from His creations. Who do you think should trust Him at the rockbottom? Of course those who will be justified as righteous and loyal for which they are appointed of great accolade and wealth.
I don’t think it is necessary for us to know and understand the whole design, the structures and the plan specifics of God in our lives. Who among us was lucky enough that every event and consequence presented itself exactly the way you planned them? That is so unlikely to happen to anyone who believes in our Lord Jesus Christ. There are too many factors to consider. We neither see anything as God sees them. It is way beyond anyone. Trust comes into play so we have to abide by the rules. Plan ahead in faith and move forward head on as you are led by the Spirit of God. Keep on praying, it never fails. Read His words for it is the only map of infinite treasures.
Keep on serving Him. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ, the only one true God.
“Howdy? Its been awhile since I was able to write for you all. I was engrossed with having a full plate all the time. Anyways, it is indeed my pleasure to give glory and praises to our Lord Jesus Christ, the savior of the world. No one else can and no one else will save the world but Him alone. Hang tight and hold onto him like there’s no more tomorrow. God bless everyone.”
Here’s the article:
Psalms 14:1 – The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
The verse above is often link to us. It is ill-conceived and totally baseless. The verse is intended for agnostics and skeptics even more to atheists – people who denies the existence of a supreme being. And we are not atheist at all not even minutely close. We have a faith. We are christians with an “absolute one God belief”. A lone belief that is one of a kind in the whole wide world, as far as I know not unless someone plagiarizes us. From my observations, many pastors from other churches adapted our own explanations on certain topics and embedded it to their own doctrines. It is not beyond us that many more people will start copying our beliefs and reasonings as well. They are now scrambling about the everlasting gospel; revelations to Paul and his bonds; mystery of Christ; and the mystery of God hidden from ages.
James 1:9 – Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted:
We are not the fool but the rich. We may be impoverished in so many ways and well below at the bottom of the society but contentment is our sword and buckler. The true richest lies in our hearts and to our Lord God who makes us truly rich and abound in all things. True wealth is not hidden in vaults or the ridiculous numbers in our passbooks nevertheless it is not stowed away from us. It is always in us. The faith and hope in God makes us wealthy and rich in this world. It is God who really declares the rich and the poor. He exalts the low degree and humbles down the well-off and the affluent.
But godliness with contentment is great gain.
As a recap of our faith, God manifested in flesh. He became our Lord Jesus Christ, as a pure man, nothing more and nothing less. He was away in heaven for a moment because He came to the world as the son of God, a 100% man. Our doctrine should not give you a headache. It is simple as eating a pizza pie. Unless otherwise, you complicate yourself with other erroneous beliefs available everywhere. Only then, you will definitely have sleepless nights ahead of you.
Hoping you endure till the end and keep on searching the truth thru these pages.
One more night and elections will be held for the Philippine president and other future government officials. The elected President has the highest authority and power vested on a single man in the republic. A president who will win the election on May 9, 2016 will not necessarily win because of his beliefs, idealisms and intellect nor his past accomplishments. Nothing will be certain to procure the position in regards to their inherent qualities but to sum it up, in a perfect republic (without cheating and anomalies) it is all about “popularity”. The constitution assigns the power completely among its citizen to decide who wins and who losses. Who is the most liked, most loved and most accepted by the majority of the voters will win as the president of the Philippines.
We all know, that it is not how a righteous church works. It is not the way of the bible nor the system of God. It is never thru fame or being renowned but it is really hard to discern someone’s motive especially during the campaign period. We may surely be clueless and presumptive in their approaches and values. There past actions can be evaluated and can speak effectively directly to our hearts. However, it is not a guarantee of their performance and victory in the future.
1 Timothy 2:1-2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
Romans 13:3 – For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:
What is happening to our country? The way I see it, politics is becoming dirtier, greedier, and burrowing deeper and darker into our society more than ever before. We should be scared to rebel or escape though the right way to do is to pray even more and go out there and vote. Let us pray that God will guide our nation and bring justice to all people, to all frontiers and to all walks of life. That whoever may win will all fall under God’s decisiveness and purpose. A purpose that may solely belongs to His true church.
No material object that has intrinsic value is free. Every precious commodity is paid for by something of equal value or more.You have to give up something far more valuable to the seller but less valuable to you as a buyer. This is in exchange for something you are interested in. Something you wanted so bad that you are willing to give up your hard earned money. It also goes the other way around. Somehow your cherished collections for decades are now less valuable since you’re willing to trade it for a chunk of change. Desires and needs change overtime and value tags along with it.
As you step higher it becomes harder for you to step down and the risk of hurting yourself increases.
Even abstract matters call for some sort of a sacrifice. If you want to be respected by others you have to earn it, same goes with reputation, honor and glory. You have to work for it to achieve a certain degree. If you always indulge yourself on complimentary things then you are exposing your character and stature to the public. You may save some penny here and there but others may call you a cheapo or stingy. Everything comes with a price. Nothing is really for free. But anything that is given for free is generally has no value. They may cost a few bucks but it is almost certain as free (insignificant in value). Remember, every rule of thumb comes with exception and unlikely.
Material wealth works the same way as well. If you want a house then you have to buy one by working really hard, putting aside some savings, a good credit rating and the list goes on and on. Thus, wanting a bigger house or even a luxury estate is another narration of further undertakings and troubles in life. Things become complicated as you complicate your desires, needs and wants. Do you want to be the group leader, the supervisor or maybe the plant manager in your factory? Or if you want to be the owner of a fortune 500 company, then that even requires unimaginable amount of sweat and pains which is almost next to impossible. Whatever your desires in life comes with a price tag. A price tag that is at least commensurate to your object of desire. It is an unbroken relationship of things that they are always parallel, matched and consistent as they are being traded against each other. They are not free. We have to give up something concrete and even things that are intangible and invisible. Often times these things like time, stress and peace of mind may even cost more than anything at an express points and moments. Although we are so blessed as rational creations of God. We have options and a free will of our own to be contented or to burden our lives.
The greatest things are intangible and non concrete but surprisingly, it is free. They are priceless and most valuable among all. We should not take them for granted, namely faith, hope and love. However, to keep and nurture them they come with a price. They deserve our utmost effort, time and even wealth. For instance, the gospel of Christ is freely preached upon us but to nourish, understand and develop our faith it requires us to pray, fast and going to church regularly.
Last night, I had a personal message from God that the true church has deceiving spirits wandering all over. It sounds dark but it is very plausible. Where would the deceiving spirits go then? Of course to those who are of the truth. Would the devil confuse the churches which are already confused and lost? Probably not.
Whenever there is a personal motive that emerges from the people of the church, deceiving spirits spring out. It whispers something indifferent from the path of the church. It cries division, confusion, pride or anything alike. This is really disturbing and alarming.
1 Timothy 4:1 – Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
Deceiving spirits works the same as the Holy Spirit
The voices or the forces may come gently and peacefully like all the other ways of guidance you had before. You can hardly tell the difference. Without someone’s help, it is impossible to isolate the deceiving spirit base on your own awareness. It is almost as comparable as the certain good spirit it imitates. How can a deceiving spirit deceive someone if it could not imitate its counterpart effectively? That is why it is called a deceiving spirit. Its sole purpose is to deceive God’s people. Many become vulnerable because of their tainted motives. Sadly, many will be deceived. They will believe and eventually follow a lie. They may become willing instruments against God’s ordinances and plans. Once started, there maybe no turning back.
1 Corinthians 14:33 – For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
There is no easy way to distinguish deceiving spirits on your own. The only usualway to distinguish it from the Holy Spirit is by its end results. I will give you a tip, when there’s a confusion that might be the first sign. Therefore, be careful. Who do you think is the author of confusion?
You will need someone with a gift of discerning spirits. Although, this gift comes and goes. It is not permanent. You may have it one day but may lose it the next day. It is tricky, it really is. But definitely, you need someone who have more understanding of God’s words than yourself. Their guidance and help is of necessity. Let’s face it, we are all exposed but we need to let others come, particularly those with anointing and authority. It is literally just them who could guide and lead us back. At this point, God can not literally lead you. Because He permitted it.
1 John 4:1 – Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Beware, when you have the impure motives you are giving the deceiving spirits permission to tempt you. Do you know that even God may permit deception even upon His very elect? God may allow evil in you if you can’t resist them. Most permissions are not up to God but mostly it is upon us. It is upon our hearts and motives.
Matthew 24:24 – For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Be careful. Don’t be so lax, negligent and careless. Always ask for mercy and guidance with fear and trembling. Cry to God passionately, burst into tears with sobbing and wailing. But do it all in secret.
Many mass media sources both foreign and local especially from the Philippines (e.g Manny Pacquiao’s interview) emphasizes misconceptions about the ‘separation of church and state constitution’. Most of us jump to misinterpretations and assumptions, creating a convention of misguided beliefs. The separation of church and state may differ from country to country. Although we have to fathom it from where we originally derived the concept. We truly need to understand and define the true intentions and definitions of the forerunners and lawmakers behind this controversial phrase found in the Philippine constitution. This statement is so clear that it refers to the free exercise of religion.
Screenshot from summitexpress. The separation of church and state constitution refers to our freedom of religion.
It would be impossible for the total and absolute separation of church and state constitution
Every person in the whole world is regulated by his own ethics, morals and beliefs including religious foundations. Our religious ideas and creeds constitute our being as either a public servant, a private business man or an ordinary citizen. If we have no solid foundation of a clear spiritual enlightenment, we are spiraling into a dark abyss of our identity. We are a fool and ignorant to disregard God and our religious codes from our personality. We need God in our personal lives, business lives, political lives and the whole nation needs Him as well, no exemptions.
The prime intentions of separation of church and state constitution
The western influence in the Philippines until now is very extensive and widespread. The national policies and idealogies created are greatly affected by the Americans. What is the real purpose of that phrase in the constitution? The U.S. Constitution was somehow derived by other nations including the Philippines. It was from the first ammendment where the separation of church and state was introduced and defined but not particularly mentioned. The real meaning and purpose of which is to prohibit the government from adhering to church affairs. And to ensure the free exercise of religion. Keeping the government away from the churches. That the government should treat every church equally. It is not the other way around as practiced and ignorantly asserted by many. They are inherently implying to disregard one’s spiritual belief away from government affairs. They are yapping that our devotion and church should not interfere with government interests and with the law of the land. This is outright a mistaken belief of many. There will always be an interaction intra-personally and between individuals since the members of the church and state are rational beings. Influence and interweaving of ideas or concepts are unavoidable. It should be valued and should not be eliminated.
It is from the original intent of lawmakers to incorporate religion to the constitution and by laws of the republic. Their system of religious beliefs were never neglected but it was integrated. God was acknowledged for a purpose. As it was stated in the first ammendment and Pledge of Alliance of the United States of America. See also “Panunumpa sa Watawat ng Pilipinas at Panatang Makabayan”. Other countries may have stricter mandate to the separation of church and state but not the United States and the Philippines. Consequently, these two nations were formed by religious and God abiding lawmakers and leaders. It was not the other way around – not by atheist and unbelievers.
Psalms 9:17 – The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
Wether it maybe as simple as talking to strangers or creating laws that may affect the whole nation, our religious doctrines and upbringings will always be a part of us. Our religious footing will aid us in our decision making. We should keep our Christianity intact and choose leaders of our nations that are God fearing and very spiritual. A nation without God will never succeed but always fail.
Do not abandon your Christian beliefs no matter what. It does not matter if your are either a public servant or a private person. Our righteous beliefs will guide and lead us to just decisions and keep us safe under God’s words and promises.