The influence and importance of church is relevant and distinguishable. There is a unique but a powerful designation of God to His church. The church was appointed for salvation. As we all know, our Lord Jesus Christ is the groom and the bride is the church. It was the promise and obligation of the groom to save His bride no matter what. To the groom, the bride is the most important entity. There is no way the groom will abandon His bride. The bride will always receive her destiny of salvation and grace. Without the bride the marriage will never take place and the groom will be wrapped up as unfaithful and untrue.

What is the power of the church? The importance of church to the groom
Being the bride she has a destiny and a foreordained authority of being one with the groom. The groom is the Son of God, His knowledge, glory and sovereignity is being the heir of the Almighty. The son differs from the father but as soon as the father appoints it the son becomes the Lord. Our belief implies that the Father and the Son are the same person, referring to only one entity or existence. There is a dispensation of time of its role as the father and the son but only one God who is the Father of all who for a moment became the 100% man as the Son of God. It was determined by God that the church will become one with the son. A union thru marriage of whom God established and originated it. It was His ultimate designation. Thus, giving the church an exponential power and authority because of the determined union of our Lord Jesus Christ to the church.
The importance of church for our salvation
We may discredit the church. We may forget her power and smear her reputation but in reality the church is destined for greatness and with an almost infinite glory. It has authority for anointing and granting salvation to its subjects and to anyone who enters it. It is a common understanding that whatever the bride decides or desires the groom will try His best upon His influence to make things happen. The bride is supposed to follow the groom on His plans and arrangements however the bride was also given access to tap on her own decisions that may not implicate on the general destiny of the church. The church may decide on her own that may burden or lighten the groom but will not totally impede the inevitability of the church’s fate.
The “metaphoric compound church” (scattered in various times and locations) intended for the marriage was established by the lamb himself. It was promised by the lamb that the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Although, I will not expound more on the importance, capabilities and influence of the church but I’m sure you will manage. Because they are definitely noteworthy and monumental.
Ephesians 5:32 KJV – This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.