An Immortal God but He have no choice?
As everyone knows, God is immortal and He can not die. Yes indeed, I certainly agree with that notion. He is the all powerful mighty Being – an immortal God and for sure, no one can ever end His life. Nevertheless, put Him to defeat nor even bring Him to a faint destruction. He is undeniably the only one God and not less than the creator of everything. But the real question that we do need to address is not just about God’s immortality. It is about God’s limitation. Is God limited on things that He can and can not do? Can God simply not die even He chooses to? I beg to greatly disagree. We can not limit and prohibit God – never, not now and not in a lifetime. Who are we to stop Him on whatever He pleases? But Yes, God simply being “god” could not die but if He decided to die for a moment, no one can stop Him, not you, not satan and not even His angels. He can not be called the King of kings and Lord of lords if He has no real authority after all.
Isaiah 46:10 – Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:
God can do anything that pleases Him. He will do it. He will perform it. There will be no setback, no limitation and no stoppage. He is truly the Almighty God.
How did the immortal God die?
God is a God of truth, faithfulness and full of principles. He is always of the truth and never lies. He loves righteousness all the way. But He has no pleasure with evil and corrupt. Since God can not disrupt His own precept and core foundation of truth, He needs to dismantle it in a natural course. Engaging His own fundamentals head on without deception, fraud and trickery. He will not violate His system. God can not simply end His life that is why He needed to become 100% man. God can not die but man dies, he has a flesh and mortal body. God became our Lord Jesus Christ, a man who died to redeem the world. He was a 100% man no “godly attribute” at all for a period of atleast three decades. However, He is not a mere man before and after His manifestation, He was God above all that does everything in His pleasure.
Is dying wicked? Can death be a righteous act? Can God sacrifice His own life? Why did God choose to die? Will God’s pleasure be really complete without death? Is He a glorious God without sacrificing Himself? Does He feel fear and weakness? Can He fathom man’s mind through sympathy? Does eternal means no end? Watch out for more details for our upcoming articles and book…