Many mass media sources both foreign and local especially from the Philippines (e.g Manny Pacquiao’s interview) emphasizes misconceptions about the ‘separation of church and state constitution’. Most of us jump to misinterpretations and assumptions, creating a convention of misguided beliefs. The separation of church and state may differ from country to country. Although we have to fathom it from where we originally derived the concept. We truly need to understand and define the true intentions and definitions of the forerunners and lawmakers behind this controversial phrase found in the Philippine constitution. This statement is so clear that it refers to the free exercise of religion.
It would be impossible for the total and absolute separation of church and state constitution
Every person in the whole world is regulated by his own ethics, morals and beliefs including religious foundations. Our religious ideas and creeds constitute our being as either a public servant, a private business man or an ordinary citizen. If we have no solid foundation of a clear spiritual enlightenment, we are spiraling into a dark abyss of our identity. We are a fool and ignorant to disregard God and our religious codes from our personality. We need God in our personal lives, business lives, political lives and the whole nation needs Him as well, no exemptions.
The prime intentions of separation of church and state constitution
The western influence in the Philippines until now is very extensive and widespread. The national policies and idealogies created are greatly affected by the Americans. What is the real purpose of that phrase in the constitution? The U.S. Constitution was somehow derived by other nations including the Philippines. It was from the first ammendment where the separation of church and state was introduced and defined but not particularly mentioned. The real meaning and purpose of which is to prohibit the government from adhering to church affairs. And to ensure the free exercise of religion. Keeping the government away from the churches. That the government should treat every church equally. It is not the other way around as practiced and ignorantly asserted by many. They are inherently implying to disregard one’s spiritual belief away from government affairs. They are yapping that our devotion and church should not interfere with government interests and with the law of the land. This is outright a mistaken belief of many. There will always be an interaction intra-personally and between individuals since the members of the church and state are rational beings. Influence and interweaving of ideas or concepts are unavoidable. It should be valued and should not be eliminated.
It is from the original intent of lawmakers to incorporate religion to the constitution and by laws of the republic. Their system of religious beliefs were never neglected but it was integrated. God was acknowledged for a purpose. As it was stated in the first ammendment and Pledge of Alliance of the United States of America. See also “Panunumpa sa Watawat ng Pilipinas at Panatang Makabayan”. Other countries may have stricter mandate to the separation of church and state but not the United States and the Philippines. Consequently, these two nations were formed by religious and God abiding lawmakers and leaders. It was not the other way around – not by atheist and unbelievers.
Psalms 9:17 – The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
Wether it maybe as simple as talking to strangers or creating laws that may affect the whole nation, our religious doctrines and upbringings will always be a part of us. Our religious footing will aid us in our decision making. We should keep our Christianity intact and choose leaders of our nations that are God fearing and very spiritual. A nation without God will never succeed but always fail.
Do not abandon your Christian beliefs no matter what. It does not matter if your are either a public servant or a private person. Our righteous beliefs will guide and lead us to just decisions and keep us safe under God’s words and promises.